Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pitch for Final Project

Rebecca, Amanda, and Brittany
Final Project

How the Monfort family life revolves around Leanne.
The intent is to inform the audience about the family's emotional struggle.

The life of the Monfort family revolves around caring for their daughter, Leanne. Leanne was left mentally handicap after the removal of a brain tumor shortly after birth. In our documentary, we will take viewers into the private life of the Monfort's, showing how it revolves around caring for Leanne.

Interviews with:
Louanne Monfort (mother)
Jimmy Monfort (father)
Kevin Monfort (brother)
Mrs. Dorothy (P.A.)

Setting: The Monfort home

Act I
Getting Leanne in the morning
Introducing the family, their situation, and Leanne's illness

Act II
Daily activities
Eating, Medication, entertainment
Questions regarding how each family member cares for Leanne
How does caring for her affect relationships, financial situations, socail lives ext.

The family's harsh realities

Sample Questions:

How does caring for your daughter affect your social life? Financial? Work? Relationships?
What is Leanne's condition? What role did the medication have in her current condition?
How do you plan to care for her as you become older? What plans do you have in place for her care when you are no longer able to care for her?
As her brother, how did it feel to have an older sibling that was handicap? How did you feel about Leanne getting more attention because of her condition? What ways did your parents try to spend quality time with you?


Head shots - interviewing individuals, Leanne
Wide shots - the family around the house, family interviews
Wide shots - Leanne, her medications, the home
Closeup - machines, medications

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