Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video Project

Video Project

I. Civil Rights Movement
    Interviewing Mr. Wiley about what life was like before and during Civil Rights
II. After the Movement
    Interviewing Mrs. Jewell about life as a child during Civil Rights, and life after
III. Future
    Interviewing college age to forty year olds

So often we associate the Civil Rights Movement with people we read about in History books or learn about in school. However, many of us speak to and look at everyday the very people who directly experienced it; our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. We often ignore what's being said or tell them we have no time to listen. And, as we do this, their memories, our history, are slowly being lost.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Self Critique

Rebecca Coleman
Group Project 1

I'm happy with the angles we were able to get in our scenes. The hallway scene is one of my favorites. Timing worked great, and the snatch was unexpectedly smooth. I did have problems with a few cut scenes being to sudden, so I tried to extend them some. I, also, had problems with my flashback not being as smooth as I wanted them. So, one of my group partners suggested that I break up the flashback scene, which, helped with its flow.

The Shining

Stanley Kubrick's The Shining plays a lot with wide shots, angles, and switching to various scenes. Many scenes can be taken from this movie and framed as beautiful, yet eerie, photographs. He seamlessly transitions from the interior to the exterior of the hotel, only disrupting it when the cook returns to check on the family.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Group Coverage Shot 2: Amanda, Brittany, and Rebecca

Group Project 2

Concept: Espionage, part 2. Character A continues to act like she doesn't know Character B is following her.

Logistics: Front of Auditorium doors, hallway, stairwell, hallway near mailroom

Shot 1(Wideshot)
    Character B watches Character A enter and exit scene.
Shot 2(Wideshot)
    Character A walks towards camera while Character B watches her.
Shot 3(Wideshot)
    Character A walks away from camera while Character B watches her
Shot 4(Bustshot)
    Character B's eyes following from camera right to left.
Shot 5(Close Up)
    Character B's face following from camera right to left.
Shot 6(Wideshot)
    Character A walking down hallway from camera. Character B follows after.
Shot 7(Wideshot)
    Character A walking down hallway toward camera. Character B follows.
Shot 8(Low Angle)
    Character A walking up stairs, drops papers. Character B picks it up.
Shot 9(High Angle)
    Character A walks up stairs, drops papers. Character B picks it up, smiling.
Shot 10(Low Angle)
    Character A walks up stairs followed by Character B.
Shot 11(Mediumshot)
    Character B comes through doorway
Shot 12(Mediumshot)
    Character A waits for Character B. Trips Character B.
Shot 11(Mediumshot)
    Character A tripping Character B. Character B falls towards camera.
Shot 12(Wideshot)
    Character B on ground along with file.
Shot 13(Closeup)
    Character A tripping B.
Shot 14(Wideshot)
    Character B on ground. Character A picks up paper.
Shot 15(Wideshot)
    Character A walks off.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Group Coverage Shot: Amanda, Brittany, and Rebecca

Group Project 1

Concept: Espionage. One character tries to steal important papers from another character; only to be pick-pocketed.

Logistic: Library, hallway, and classroom

Shot 1(Wide shot)
    Character A sitting reading paper.
    Character B eases in scene from corner.
Shot 1.2(Close Up)
    Character A reading paper
Shot 2 (Medium Shot or bust Shot)
    Character B peeking around corner.
Shot 3(Insert)
    Important paper on table.
Shot 4(Close up)
    Character B's  smirking.
Shot 5(OTS)
    See Character B over Character A's reading.
Shot 6(Wide shot)
    Character A looks at watch then gets up and walks away.
Shot 6.2(Close Up)
    Character A looking at watch.
Shot 7(Wide shot)
    Character B rushes and grabs paper, looks around, runs off screen.
Shot 7.2(Close Up)
    Character B grabbing paper.
Shot 8(Close Up)
    Character B putting paper in purse.
Shot 9(Bust shot)
    Character B in different area. Searches for paper in purse. Worried look.
Shot 10(Close up)
    Character B realizes something.
Shot 11(2 shot)
    Character B walking to right camera, passing Character A.
Shot 12(2 shot)
    Character A walking to left camera, brushing against Character B, smiling.
Shot 13(Medium shot)
    Character B smacks head and shakes it and leaves room.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Project 1: Sense of Place

Major suggestions were:
More cut scenes, car scene too long, needs more, "what happens" at the ending.

I agree that the car scene was too long and there needed to be more cut scenes to establish a pattern. I disagree with giving the audience a closed ending since "Sense of Place" is an unresolved situation for me.

After studying the critiques I learned alot can be said in how and what's filmed. And, that I have to pay close attention to how long my scenes are.

Sense of Place from Hoticer on Vimeo.